viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

Users want to communicate with each other, not necessarily with brands.

Users want to communicate with each other, not necessarily with brands.Algunos párrafos extraidos de una página Web interesante

More than one-half of the US population surveyed uses social networking sites, according to IDC, but the ad dollars have not followed. The research company found more than 75% of social network site users logged in at least once a week and 57% did so daily. IDC also said more than 61% of those users spent more than 30 minutes per session on social network sites, and 38% remained parked for 1 hour or more.

Good news for marketers, right? Not necessarily. Only 57% of social network site users said they clicked on an ad in the past year, compared with 79% of all Internet consumers...However, IDC found just 3% of users polled said it was appropriate for publishers to use their data (contact information and the like) for advertising. The report referred to ad targeting on social networks as a "stillborn" idea.

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